Monday, March 14, 2011

Article Marketing

Article Marketing includes all of the key components for a successful online business: increased website traffic, higher search engine rankings( SEO), builds a good business reputation with potential online customers, builds lists, and increases online business profits.

By using Article Marketing for your online business, you can generate these results faster, more effectively, and without a great deal of human effort.

Currently, I write for a multitude of websites with well over a hundred niches.  If Article Marketing service is what you need to build up your site, I am available to provide you with well-written SEO articles.

Tanja Renee Feist

Article Marketing for Beginners

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Write An Article In Less Then An Hour

How To Write An Article In Less Then An Hour

Most online article marketers know that you have to learn the technique of writing articles, quickly. In order to drive traffic to your sites by using the article marketing method, you cant just assume that if you write one excellent article and publish it that you will obtain a torrent of online traffic.

Why? Because this method has grown exponentially in popularity over the years, there is a ton of competition for online marketers to contend with, which means that quantity as well as quality have to go hand in hand in order for this form of advertising to work.

Here are a few steps on how to write a well-written article in less then an hour:

  1. Pick a topic that you are very well knowledgeable about. A topic that will require you to spend too much time on research is not going to be written quickly.
  1. Time your article writing by documenting the time that you begin and when you finish.  This will help you monitor how long each article has taken for you to start and complete. 

  1. Focus by setting up an environment that is free of distractions. Most writers know that in order to get into the “ writing zone” you have to flow through without any outside demands of phones, emails, or any other tasks that will take you away from your writing process.

  1. Free writing is key. Free writing is basically writing down your ideas without paying any mind to editing your content until you are finished. This way you are putting out most of your content without spending too much time worrying about the spelling, punctuation, grammar....etc.

  1. Edit your article once you are finished writing. Once you go over what you have written you will be able to revise it in a more relaxed manner and polish it up from a different perspective.

    It may take some time to learn how to write your articles in less then an hour, but the more you do it, the easier it will become, especially if you make sure to implement these basic steps in your writing routine.

    Happy Writing,
     Tanja Feist

    You can also purchase some very informative software to assist you with this strategy if you would like to further your skill level on writing fast articles.  

For more information on a very helpful product click here!